Over the past 4+ years, we’ve grown beyond our small back-room meetings at Rope Bite and have expanded into new offerings, new groups, and new interests. In the process, things have become a bit unwieldy, so we’re reorganizing the various rope offerings here in Richmond under a more unified (and easier-to-follow) umbrella.
But don’t worry … we have no intention of abandoning all the good things that have come before and that helped to bring us to this place!
To help make all of this easier to follow, we’ve created a new website and a new profile. The profile will be a good way to stay up-to-date on things here on Fetlife, and the website will bring all of the events and resources together in one place.
What’s the plan?
See what we did there?
But to be a little more helpful, as we move forward, here are some continuing and new plans:
- You may have noticed that we changed the name of Richmond Nawa Kai to RVA Rope Study. While the name has changed, the intent and offerings of RVA Rope Study will be in keeping with the original vision of Richmond Nawa Kai: to offer instruction to beginners and experienced practitioners alike with the goal of building a risk-aware and responsible rope community. (Former RNK members: you’ll get an email soon with more details about the new site, but yes–you will still have access to the course content on the new site.)
- Yes, we will continue to run Rope Bite just as it’s been. Rope Bite will continue to be the “social hang-out / skill share” for Richmond rope lovers.
- We’ll continue offering events like “top-less tying” self-tying skill shares and acro-shibari skill shares.
- We hope to see new rope lab offerings for more experienced practitioners, a regular Rope 101 session for beginners, and semi-regular meetings for rope bottoms to discuss and share their particular experiences in rope.
- And we also plan to work with others in the area to continue to bring guest presenters and offer intensives and private lessons of various types.
What do I need to do?
Well, you don’t need to do anything, but if you want to get involved and stay informed, we recommend some or all of the following:
- Bookmark RVARope.com and consider joining (the site is still under construction, but we’re working on it).
- Subscribe to the newsletter through the site to get updates by email.
- Send a friend request to RVARope on Fetlife.
- Follow us on Twitter.
- Let us know if you’d like to be more involved in any way with continuing to grow and support the local rope community!
We’re looking forward to what’s ahead and hope you’re excited with us!